This Is Me


Our next project is called This Is Me where we must make a two minute film that look at either our whole life and who we are as a person or an aspect and what it means to us. This is what I am going to do.

The aspect of my life that I am going to look at is Music, mainly drum and bass and the effect that it has had on me in the last year and how i feel it has changed me as a person. My initial idea is to make a music video of a night out documenting each stage of the journey in tempo to a song of my choice.

I am going to research existing music videos to see if there is anything similar that already exists. There is one problem I do know that already exists and that is venues will not allow a professional or any sort of camera other then my phone. This does open the means of buying small attachable lenses to my phone and have it shot in a super wide angle or fish eye angle.

I will have a multitude of opportunity’s to get test shots with New Year approaching so I can decide whether this idea is approachable with the use of my phone as a camera or whether i will have to rethink my idea to make the use of a camera available.

In terms of the journey i mean to capture the whole night from leaving home to being in the line, getting inside and the journey home. This means i can use many different editing techniques because of the clips being so short and all linking together id like to try and use some invisible editing and mixing techniques together like in the example video we were shown something i feel that i have not done before.

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